How to get a $10,000 Working Capital Loan From Paypal

Posted on August 16th, 2018

​PayPal Working Capital Loans are a dream source of funding for entrepreneurs who don’t have good credit – No Credit Checks Required – Get Funds Instantly Deposited – One Very Low Affordable Fee – Flexible Payback Terms Based on Sales And… You can get loans up to $85,000 All without a credit check!
The key to qualifying for a PayPal Working Capital Loan is to build stable revenue in your PayPal account over a short period of time, to show PayPal that you are a good risk to them. But don’t worry, this module is going to show you several ways to help this happen!First, let’s get a good understanding of how these PayPal loans work PayPal Working Capital is a business loan of a fixed amount, with a single fixed fee. Automatic repayments are taken as a percentage of your daily sales.
There are no interest charges, late fees, pre-payment fees, penalty fees, or any other fees. Once you get qualified (which I will show you how in a minute), the process works like this: First you select your loan amount (This is based on your sales history ≠ the more sales you do, the higher of a loan you qualify for) Next you choose which percentage of your future PayPal sales will go towards paying off your loan Then, within minute, the money is instantly deposited into your PayPal account to use their, or to transfer to your bank account for any use.​
If you are starting a new PayPal account from scratch, they will likely need to see you season the account for 90 days first with sales Think about it this way, PayPal is willing to take the risk on you, not based on credit, but based on your sales history, so that they know that they can get paid back through your future sales.



​These “Performance Based” loans are dream loans for entrepreneurs who are willing to hustle knowing that they have someone willing to help them scale their business up 10X! We decided to get one of these loans ourselves to go through the process so that we could see how it all worked before showing you.
Well that worked well, so we went ahead and got a couple more loans, quickly paying them off and building up established credit with PayPal And this was just one of our business accounts with PayPal, so the opportunities to scale up and get massive funding are endless here. If you already have an established PayPal account that is generating income, I’ll show you how to see if you can qualify for a loan today. And for those of you that aren’t generating income into an active PayPal account, I’ll show you how to get started building that right away.
So, starting today, you need to set 2 GOALS to start generating business with PayPal
1) Establish 90+ days of History with PayPal
2) Generate $20k+ in a 90 day period














​The big takeaway here is to understand that PayPal has a working capital loan program that you can qualify for with a few creative ideas. You need to put together an action plan to generate $20,000 in your Paypal account, and season it over 90 days. This way PayPal sees you as a low-risk investment and you can begin scaling your entire business, just like I have shown you. And also keep in mind that this is just ONE of the modules in this course, so get ready for an exciting ride! I’ll see you in the next module to help you take your business to the next level and make these ideas turn into realities!


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